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Title Location Category
FT Barista - D.C. - Uline
FT Barista - D.C. - Uline Washington, DC
Washington, DC
PT Barista - D.C. - Uline
PT Barista - D.C. - Uline Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Executive Chef
Executive Chef Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia, PA
PT Barista - D.C. - Manhattan Laundry Washington, DC
FT Baker - PHL - Fishtown
FT Baker - PHL - Fishtown Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia, PA
PT Barista - Austin TX - Lamar Austin, TX
Cafe Manager - Austin - Lamar Austin, TX
DC Barista- Chinatown
DC Barista- Chinatown Washington, DC
Washington, DC
PT Barista - LA - Century City Los Angeles, CA